State Minister for IT & Telecom Division,
Ms. Anusha Rahman presiding a meeting with SVP (Middle East &
Africa Region) Microsoft Mr. Joesph Macri, with his team and Secretary
IT Mr. Akhlaq Ahmad Tarar to discuss the potentional of Microsoft
investment in Pakistan
As part of the Microsoft strategy, it has been partnering with the
governments to help them identify their real-time needs and to leverage
technology in a way to address today’s pressing concerns, said a press
statement issued by the company.
Microsoft said that current governments are facing unprecedented
economic challenges and emphasized that they need to invest in long-term
growth to secure the future.
Information and communications technology (ICT) holds enormous
potential to create jobs, increase productivity, and launch a new era of
sustainable economic growth. It can also help governments become more
open and responsive to citizens and provide better public services at
lower cost.
Foreseeing the unlimited potential of the Country; Joseph Macri, Vice
President, EMEA Public Sector, is on a two-day visit to Pakistan. The
objective of his visit is to meet government dignitaries and decision
makers in the country and discuss prospects to increase productivity and
efficiency with the latest solutions and innovation from Microsoft.
During the first day of his visit on Tuesday, he met with Ms. Anusha
Rehman; the State Minister of IT for Federal Government, Mr. Akhlaq
Ahmad Tarrar; Secretary IT of MOIT and Chairman Higher Education
Commission of Pakistan; Mr. Imtiaz Ghani.
“Pakistan may have challenges of fewer resources and a swelling
population but it has a potential to emerge as one of the world’s
leading IT players with its 60% youth population ready to meet the
challenges.” highlighted Anusha Rehman, IT Minister.
Joseph Macri, Vice President, EMEA Public Sector, Microsoft said,
“Microsoft is working with key stakeholders in the country to make a
Real Impact for a Better Pakistan. We and our partners work closely with
government leaders, organizations and citizens to help them fully
harness the power of the innovation with flexible solutions, programs
and partnerships to meet local needs. Our objective is to foster
innovation locally that can enable people to make a Real Impact for a
Better Tomorrow.”
“At Microsoft, our vision is to help countries, governments and
citizens move from “opportunities imagined” to ”opportunities realized”
and will continue to play a pivotal role in facilitating Government and
people to realize their full potential” commented Amir Rao, Country
Manager, Microsoft Pakistan.